Ovarian cancer is the biggest gynaecological killer of women in the UK
- Close to 7,500 women are diagnosed a year in the UK
- The sooner ovarian cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat
- It is more common in postmenopausal women but can affect women of any age
- Symptoms can be quite vague at the outset so can be difficult to diagnose
- More than 90% survival rate at 5 years for women diagnosed early
For symptoms of ovarian cancer think BEAT
- Bloating of abdomen which is persistent
- Eating difficulties and feeling full quickly
- Abdominal or pelvic pain
- Toilet changes – increased frequency in bowel motions and urine
Other symptoms can also be present such as tiredness, indigestions, back pain and nausea. Please book an appointment with us if you have any symptoms that you are worried about.